Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is a delicious and popular fruit known for its sweet flavor and vibrant red color. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and is a hybrid species derived from a cross between two wild strawberry species. Strawberries are appreciated for their versatility, used in various culinary applications such as desserts, jams, smoothies, and as a fresh topping for various dishes. They are also a good source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants.In our strawberry production, we focus on growing high-quality strawberry plants suitable for both commercial cultivation and home gardens. Strawberries are typically grown as perennial plants, although they are often treated as annuals in commercial production. They require well-drained soil, abundant sunlight, and regular irrigation to thrive.




Strawberries are usually planted in early spring or late summer, depending on the climate and variety. Prior to planting, the soil should be prepared by removing weeds and incorporating organic matter to improve fertility. Strawberry plants are usually set in raised beds or mounded rows to promote drainage and prevent waterlogging. Strawberries can be grown using different systems, depending on the available space and intended purpose:

Matted Row System:
This traditional system involves planting strawberries in wide rows with multiple runners. It allows the plants to form a dense, matted bed, producing a higher number of runners and berries. This system is often preferred for home gardeners and pick-your-own farms.

Raised Bed System:
In this system, raised beds are created to provide better drainage and easier access to the plants. Strawberry plants are spaced in rows on the raised beds, allowing for efficient management and harvesting. This system is commonly used in commercial production.

Vertical Growing System:
Vertical systems, such as strawberry towers or hanging baskets, are gaining popularity for their space-saving benefits. Strawberry plants are grown in containers or bags, and the fruit is suspended or grown upwards, maximizing vertical space utilization.

See our full SELECTION of STRAWBERRY PLANTS we have in our offer



Honeoye is a popular strawberry variety known for its vigorous growth and excellent yields. It produces compact, semi-upright plants that are easy to maintain. The plant is adaptable to various soil conditions and altitudes, making it suitable for a wide range of growing environments. It thrives in full sun.

Honeoye is a self-fertile strawberry variety.

The Honeoye strawberries are medium to large in size and have a beautiful bright red color. The berries are firm, glossy, and have a conical shape. They are known for their exceptional sweetness and aromatic qualities, making them a delight to the senses.

Honeoye strawberries are early season producers, typically ripening in late spring to early summer. They are known for their consistent and abundant yields.

Honeoye strawberries are highly valued in both the fresh market and commercial processing. They are perfect for enjoying fresh, using in salads, making jams, jellies, and other desserts. Their firm texture and vibrant flavor make them a popular choice among strawberry enthusiasts.



Dukat is a versatile and hardy strawberry variety known for its robust growth and reliable yields. It forms compact, low-growing plants that are easy to manage. The plant shows good adaptability to various soil types and altitudes, making it suitable for diverse growing conditions. It thrives in full sun.

Dukat is a self-fertile strawberry variety.

The Dukat strawberries are medium-sized and exhibit a vibrant red color when fully ripe. They have a classic conical shape and are characterized by their glossy appearance. The berries are known for their exceptional juiciness, pleasing aroma, and a harmonious balance of sweetness and tanginess.

Dukat strawberries are mid-season producers, typically ripening in the early to mid-summer period. They offer a steady and abundant harvest, ensuring a rewarding picking season.

Dukat strawberries are highly regarded for their versatile applications. They are perfect for enjoying fresh, using in desserts, making jams, and incorporating into various culinary creations. The strawberries enticing flavor and attractive appearance make them a popular choice among both home gardeners and commercial growers.



Senga Sengana is a classic strawberry variety known for its robust growth and abundant yields. The plants are vigorous and spread through runners, forming a dense mat of foliage. They are adaptable to various soil types and altitudes, thriving in full sun to partial shade.

Senga Sengana is a self-fertile strawberry variety.

The Senga Sengana strawberries are medium-sized with a conical shape. They have a deep, glossy red color that is visually striking. The berries are firm and maintain their shape well, making them suitable for transportation and storage. The flavor of Senga Sengana strawberries is exceptional, combining sweetness with a delightful hint of tartness.

Senga Sengana strawberries are mid-season producers, typically ripening in late spring to early summer. They offer a generous harvest window, allowing for extended enjoyment of their delectable fruits.

Senga Sengana strawberries are highly regarded for their flavor and versatility. They are excellent for fresh consumption, adding a burst of sweetness to fruit salads, desserts, and pastries. Additionally, their vibrant color and robust flavor make them a popular choice for jam and preserve making, as well as for use in various culinary applications.



The Kent strawberry variety is known for its vigorous growth and robust plants. They produce semi-upright, spreading foliage that forms a dense canopy. The plants are adaptable to different soil types and altitudes, thriving in full sun to partial shade.

Kent is a self-fertile strawberry variety.

Kent strawberries are large and have a uniform, conical shape. They boast a vibrant, glossy red color that is visually appealing. The berries are known for their firm texture and have a sweet, juicy flavor with a hint of tanginess. Their attractive appearance and exceptional taste make them highly desirable.

Kent strawberries are mid-season producers, typically ripening in the early to mid-summer period. They offer a consistent and generous yield, ensuring an extended harvest season.

Kent strawberries are highly sought after in both the fresh market and commercial processing. Their large size and excellent flavor make them ideal for enjoying fresh, as well as for use in desserts, salads, and other culinary creations. The firm texture of Kent strawberries also makes them suitable for transportation and handling, making them a popular choice for both consumers and growers.

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